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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Not A Star Sign

Royston Drenthe ,25, claims Messi called him a "negro" repeatedly during his time in Spain."I played against Messi many times and we always have problems with each other,You know what bothers me so? That tone with which he always says, 'negro, negro'. I understand that negro in South America is very common, but we cannot stand it” Drenthe said.

He Also claimed that, after he missed a chance to win the game in the 87th minute, Messi turned to him and called him "negro" for the first time. Argentina went on to win the match in extra time, and the gold medal in the final against Nigeria

While Barcelona have dismissed the claims and praised Messi's character.
"The player has always shown maximum respect and sportsmanship towards his rivals, something recognised by fellow professionals," a spokesman said.

If this incident is true then we may not consider him as a star. it is not a Star sign, being a hero there is a responsibility also to stay cool & calm on Field or off field. Because audience are enough to make sound.

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