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Thursday, May 31, 2012

5 Ways to Save your love

Break up, this is the most common word in our daily dictionary. We love someone, fight with her/him and get separate. Why we never work on those reason which cause the separation. Guys’ getting a true love is very difficult so don’t allow him/her to go easly.
5 ways to save your love
Save your Love
Here I am going to tell you some main reason of breakup.

  1.   Never tell a lie or cheat your partner. Once trust is broken, you can never get it back.
  2.   Don’t become too ambitious about your life and career, give sometime to your partner.
  3.   Don’t fight on very little things, enjoy the taste of sacrifice.
  4.   Most common; He stopped doing sweet, romantic things for me, we have to understandfive fingers are not equal, may be these days he/she have some personal problem, go and solve  the problem by  talking. 
  5.  Don’t force your partner for Sex and unwanted/unreasonable kisses.


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